Date: Mon, 20 Jun 94 04:30:38 PDT From: Ham-Space Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Ham-Space-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Ham-Space@UCSD.Edu Precedence: Bulk Subject: Ham-Space Digest V94 #162 To: Ham-Space Ham-Space Digest Mon, 20 Jun 94 Volume 94 : Issue 162 Today's Topics: A0-13 Operating Schedule ANS-168 BULLETINS APT-Satellites: Report JUNE 19, 1994 Hey USED 10 METER COMMERCIAL ANTENNA FOR TVRO WANTED...Used 10 Meter Commercial Dish, TVRO Application Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Ham-Space Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/ham-space". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 19 Jun 1994 15:46:11 -0500 From:!agate!!!! Subject: A0-13 Operating Schedule To: How can I determine the operating schedule for AO-13 on Field Day? -- Michael J. Malloy Amateur Radio N9WJV Medical College of Wisconsin Compuserve 70334,3563 Milwaukee, Wisconsin Internet ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 19 Jun 1994 16:43:18 MDT From:!!!!!alberta!ve6mgs! Subject: ANS-168 BULLETINS To: SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-168.01 1994 AMSAT FD COMPETITION HR AMSAT NEWS SERVICE BULLETIN 168.01 FROM AMSAT HQ SILVER SPRING, MD JUNE 18, 1994 TO ALL RADIO AMATEURS BT BID: $ANS-168.01 1994 AMSAT Field Day Competition Announcement Field Day is once again just around the corner on June 25th and 26th, and we are proud to announce the 1994 AMSAT Field Day competition. Last year's effort was very successful and we will be using the same special rules. The AMSAT competition is to encourage the use of all amateur satellites, including the digital satellites. Here are the rules for the 1994 AMSAT Field Day competition. 1. ANALOG TRANSPONDERS Each satellite is considered a separate band. All phone QSO's and all CW QSO's on a given satellite are considered separate bands. All packet/RTTY /ASCII/AMTOR QSO's are counted as CW QSO's. Phone QSO's count for one point and CW QSO's count for two points. Cross-mode contacts are not allowed. The use of more than one transmitter at the same time in a single band is prohibited. 2. DIGITAL TRANSPONDERS Each satellite is considered a separate band. The following uploads/downloads each count as a CW contact (two points): (a) Upload of a Satellite Field Day Greetings file. (b) Download of Satellite Field Day Greetings files posted by other stations. Satellite digipeat QSO's do not count for any score. The use of gateway stations to uplink/downlink is not allowed. SAMPLE SATELLITE FIELD DAY GREETINGS FILE: "Greetings from WA5ZIB Field Day Satellite station near Galveston, Texas with 24 participating members. All the best and 73!" 3. OPERATING CLASS Stations supplied only with emergency power are in a separate operating class from those that utilize commercial power. The Satellite Summary Sheet shown below should be used for submittal of the AMSAT Field Day competition results to Andy MacAllister WA5ZIB, Vice Pres- ident User Services, 14714 Knights Way Drive, Houston, TX 77083-5640. Deadline for submissions is August 1, 1994. Competition was tough in 1993 and should be even tougher in 1994. We hope this competition provides satellite operators with the practice necessary to be able to set up a ground station and effectively operate the satellites in an emergency situation. Remember that Field Day also provides a good opportunity to give some newcomers a chance at operating the satellites. Most of all, it should be a lot of fun for all who participate. GOOD LUCK ON FD! --------------------------------------------------------------- Satellite Summary Sheet - 1994 Satellite CW Phone _______________________________________________________________ | | | | |___________________|____________________|_____________________| | | | | |___________________|____________________|_____________________| | | | | |___________________|____________________|_____________________| | | | | |___________________|____________________|_____________________| | | | | |___________________|____________________|_____________________| | | | | |___________________|____________________|_____________________| | | x 2 | x 1 | |___________________|____________________|_____________________| | Totals | | | |___________________|____________________|_____________________| Your Field Day Callsign_______________________________________ Field Day Classification______________________________________ Power Source(s)_______________________________________________ Your name and home call_______________________________________ Home address__________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Comments______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ /EX SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-168.02 AMSAT-NA BOD ANNOUNCEMENT HR AMSAT NEWS SERVICE BULLETIN 168.02 FROM AMSAT HQ SILVER SPRING, MD JUNE 18, 1994 TO ALL RADIO AMATEURS BT BID: $ANS-168.02 AMSAT Board of Directors Nominations Announced Martha Saragovitz, AMSAT's Corporate Secretary announced June 16, that six duly executed nominations for the organization's Board of Directors have been received at AMSAT Headquarters by the June 15th deadline mandated in the Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation Bylaws. Ms. Saragovitz listed the nominees as: Keith Baker KB1SF, Tom Clark W3IWI, John Hansen WA0PTV, Andy McAllister WA5ZIB, Lou McFadin W5DID and Bob Myers W1XT. The Corporation's Bylaws require that ballots for the Board election be mailed to all current members by July 15. To be counted, the properly marked ballots must be received at Headquarters by September 15. The three persons receiving the most votes will be declared elected to the Board for a two year period. The two receiving the next largest number will become Alternate Board members until next year's Board is seated at its fall 1995 meeting. The current Board members who's terms expire this year are: Tom Clark W3IWI, Joe Kasser G3ZCZ and Andy McAllister WA5ZIB. Four other Board members were elected in 1993 and are scheduled to serve until next year. They are: Junior deCastro PY2BJO, Dick Daniels W4PUJ, Bob Diersing N5AHD and Bill Tynan W3XO. The current Alternate Board member is Joe Holman KA7LDN. /EX SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-168.03 WEEKLY OSCAR STATUS REPORTS HR AMSAT NEWS SERVICE BULLETIN 168.03 FROM AMSAT HQ SILVER SPRING, MD JUNE 18, 1994 TO ALL RADIO AMATEURS BT BID: $ANS-168.03 Weekly OSCAR Status Reports: 18-JUN-94 AO-13: Current Transponder Operating Schedule: L QST *** AO-13 TRANSPONDER SCHEDULE *** 1994 May 07-Jul 11 Mode-B : MA 0 to MA 170 | Mode-BS : MA 170 to MA 218 | Mode-S : MA 218 to MA 220 |<- S beacon only Mode-S : MA 220 to MA 230 |<- S transponder; B trsp. is OFF Mode-BS : MA 230 to MA 250 | Alon/Alat 230/-5 Mode-B : MA 250 to MA 256 | Omnis : MA 250 to MA 120 | Move to attitude 180/0, Jul 11 [G3RUH/DB2OS/VK5AGR] KO-25: WH6I reports that at midweek Kitsat B (KO-25) again seemed to be on a different receive frequency. He notes that the BBS was there, but it was impossible to get any data from it. [WH6I] LO-19: LO-19 is on the air but only telemetry is being sent and there are are no BBS functions operational. [WH6I] KO-23: WH6I reports that KO-23 is busy and functioning normally. He notes that the images from last week are now gone. [WH6I] AO-16: AO-16 is running strong, the only 1200 baud bird in operation at the present time. [WH6I] The AMSAT NEWS Service (ANS) is looking for volunteers to contribute weekly OSCAR status reports. If you have a favorite OSCAR which you work on a regular basis and would like to contribute to this bulletin, please send your observations to WD0HHU at his CompuServe address of 70524,2272, on INTERNET at, or to his local packet BBS in the Denver, CO area, WD0HHU @ W0LJF.#NECO.CO.USA.NOAM. Also, if you find that the current set of orbital elements are not generating the correct AOS/LOS times at your QTH, PLEASE INCLUDE THAT INFORMATION AS WELL. The information you provide will be of value to all OSCAR enthusiasts. /EX ------------------------------ Date: 20 Jun 1994 08:21:44 GMT From:!usc!!!!NewsWatcher! Subject: APT-Satellites: Report JUNE 19, 1994 To: Observed at station 50.7 NLat, 7.1 ELon, JUNE 19, 1994 NOAA-9: APT 137.62 On NOAA-10: APT 137.50 On NOAA-11: APT 137.62 On NOAA-12: APT 137.50 On Meteor 2-21: APT 137.85 On Meteor 3-5: APT 137.85 ON again vis-APT of Meteor 3-5 is active again, transmitting good images from afternoon ascending orbits. Meteor 2-21 (the weak APT-Transmitter) now drifts towards early morning. +------------------------------------------+ |Peter Henne ( | | ( | |German Nat.Research Center.f.Comp.Science | |D-53754 St.AUGUSTIN, Germany | +------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 19 Jun 1994 04:14:12 GMT From:!agate!!vectorbd! Subject: Hey To: Shawn Marlow ( wrote: : Hell to all of you from Moreno Valley, Ca. Just wanted to take the time : to know who some of you are. I am currently 15 years old, I OWN and : operate an amateur raido. My ID is Either KF6JE, or KF6WRB. I would like : to know were some of you are from. Calf really sux at repeaters. I am : current at advanced so i would like to hear some feed back from ya'all! Don't you just hate it when you can't remember if you're Karl F. Schmidt, or not? Or, for that matter, that your callsign ( excuse me, "ID" ) hasn't been allocated in region 6 yet? - Rich ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 19 Jun 1994 19:18:51 GMT From:!agate!!!!! Subject: USED 10 METER COMMERCIAL ANTENNA FOR TVRO To: WANTED...a 10 Meter Commercial Satellite Dish capable of zero degree on the horizon. An out-of-compliance 2-way dish if reasonable condition not operated near salt water may fill the fill. We have a licensed group who can disassemble and ship. Our application is TVRO so we need only one port. While the actuators should be in place, we do not need motors as we only need to watch a single bird. Please forward details to ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 19 Jun 1994 19:28:42 GMT From:!!!!!!!! Subject: WANTED...Used 10 Meter Commercial Dish, TVRO Application To: WANTED...used 10 Meter Commercial dish with mount capable of ZERO Degrees on horizon...Application is single bird TVRO so one port will be fine. Motors not need. We will decommission and ship. Send Details to ------------------------------ End of Ham-Space Digest V94 #162 ******************************